Luffa Loofa Loofah

May 22nd. Only one week after planting the loofah seed.
Late June
Same loofah plant in early October
I love Loofah. Bob accuses it of being a weed but I don't listen.
One month after planting late June

September 11th. First Flower!!!

That morning I went outside and had to RUN back in for my camera. I had given up all hope of getting a blossom
but there it was. I thought "It's too late in the season to get a loofah but at least I got a blossom".  I was wrong!!!!

This is the wall today (3 weeks later) filled with beautiful bright yellow blosoms! Better yet...

Attached to the base of the blossoms are little loofah! Each mini loofah is anywhere from 2" - 3" long.

This 7" loofah is growning in the small planter pot

This 9" loofah is growning on the loofah arch wall.

 Below (thank you GoogleVoice) is my text conversation with Bob from this morning

Me: There are 8 million little loofah out on my plants. So exciting. I actually grew something! 6:56 AM

Bob: I think it might be like saying "I grew weeds"  :D 9:46 AM

Me: Ha. Mock if you want to but when the Zombie Apocalypse is here, you are going to want to wash something and my growing skills will save us. 10:21 AM
I know Bob is eager to rip out my loofah, build some planters and plant jasmine vines but I am determined to see how long these baby's can survive. I have been told they will keep growing until we get a freeze. I may have these same vines for years.

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