Ice Cream

I wanted a Yonanas so badly. The idea of guilt free ice cream was AMAZING. The infomercial really sucked me in. I searched Yonanas reviews and found that it did make fantastic ice cream with the consistency of soft-serve that had a slight banana flavor, I was really hooked. Then I started reading the negative reviews (people who loved the ice cream it made but didn't like the actual machine) and decided against it.

The next day Dev told me that you could make the same exact thing with a food processor. WOW!

Truthfully I expected baby food but I decided to try it anyway. I sliced my too ripe bananas and stuck them in the freezer for about two hours. Then I put the frozen banana slices and some unsweetened frozen strawberries in the food processor and let it run until I had yummy strawberry soft-serve. At one point I thought it was just a big mess but I let the food processor keep running and WOW! I loved it.

The next day I made another batch without the strawberries. I threw a tablespoon of chocolate chips in. Even Bob and Tanner loved it.

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